The Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, ensuring mental health has never been more crucial. The NHS has identified five essential steps to promote mental wellbeing. One crucial factor interwoven throughout these steps is the role of physical activity. Here, we’ll take a look into the significant mental health benefits of staying active and demonstrate what role gaming can play, in particular Planet Possible, in supporting these NHS guidelines.

1. Connect with Other People

  • NHS Advice: Good relationships are vital for your mental wellbeing. They provide emotional support, allow you to share feelings, and help you feel engaged and valued.
  • Role of Physical Activity: Joining a fitness class, walking group, or a sports team can foster new friendships and strengthen existing ones. Shared physical activities, whether it’s a weekly jogging club or a yoga class, can act as a platform for people to connect, communicate, and support one another.
  • Role of gaming. While the medium is digital, the connections and friendships made through video games are very much real. As with any community, the shared experiences, challenges, victories, and narratives in the gaming world can create lasting bonds and a profound sense of belonging.

2. Be Physically Active

  • NHS Advice: Being active isn’t just good for the body; it’s a powerhouse for the mind. Physical activity is linked to lower rates of depression and anxiety.
  • Role of Physical Activity: Regular exercise boosts the production of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Activities like brisk walking, cycling, or dancing can decrease feelings of depression, reduce anxiety, and enhance cognitive function. By keeping active, you’re not just shaping your body, but you’re sculpting a more resilient and positive mind.
  • Role of gaming. By merging entertainment with exercise, physical activity video games break down many of the psychological, logistical, and financial barriers associated with traditional fitness activities. They present an approachable entry point for those who might otherwise be inactive, making the first step towards a healthier lifestyle much less daunting.

3. Learn New Skills

  • NHS Advice: Learning new skills boosts self-confidence and fosters a sense of purpose.
  • Role of Physical Activity: Ever thought of taking up a new sport or dance? By learning a new physical skill, you challenge both your body and mind. This could be mastering a new yoga pose, learning to swim, or even perfecting a dance routine. As you progress and achieve, the sense of accomplishment acts as a mental uplift.
  • Role of gaming. Combining physical activity and video gaming, is not only a fun way to get moving but also provides opportunities to learn and hone various skills. And, as gaming experiences are often enjoyed privately, it offers the chance for learning on the player’s terms.

4. Give to Others

  • NHS Advice: Acts of giving and kindness can help improve your mental wellbeing by creating positive feelings and a sense of purpose.
  • Role of Physical Activity: Participate in charity runs or walks. Teach a fitness class to seniors in your community or guide a friend in their fitness journey. These acts of kindness, combined with physical activity, amplify the emotional rewards, giving you a double dose of positivity.
  • Role of gaming. When altruism is seamlessly integrated into video games, it can provide players with a more profound and meaningful experience. By witnessing the positive impact of their actions, players are more likely to carry these values into their real lives, further bridging the gap between virtual worlds and reality.

5. Pay Attention to the Present (Mindfulness)

  • NHS Advice: It’s essential to be “in the moment” or “present” – this can positively change the way you feel about life and how you approach challenges.
  • Role of Physical Activity: When you engage in physical activity, especially in nature, you naturally gravitate towards mindfulness. Think of a runner experiencing a ‘runner’s high’ or the peaceful focus a person feels during tai chi. These activities ground you, making you more aware of your body, your breath, and the present moment.
  • Role of gaming. While at first glance, gaming and mindfulness might seem at odds, there are significant ways that gaming can nurture mindfulness in players. When games are designed thoughtfully or when players approach them with a certain intent, the gaming experience can become meditative, introspective, and enriching.

In conclusion, physical activity, especially when intertwined with gaming experiences, serves as a cornerstone for mental wellbeing. The immersive nature of physical activity gaming not only promotes physical health but also ties seamlessly into the NHS’s five steps to mental wellbeing. From fostering social connections in multiplayer modes to offering moments of mindfulness in calming game scenarios, or learning new skills through game mechanics, exergaming amplifies the benefits of each of these steps. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete, a passionate gamer, or someone just embarking on their wellness journey, remember that every step, virtual challenge, or in-game accomplishment contributes to enhancing mental wellbeing.